Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Elliott Marie Stewart

Where do I begin....  whew what a day(s).

I went in on tuesday, june 25, for my 39 week appointment and my dr. was wondering how i was still pregnant.  I was 90% effaced.  So the Doctor stripped my membranes (TMI I know). Tyson was concerned about that and asked if we should just stay in Bryan at his parents just in case she decided to arrive later that day or early morning.  Dr said Nope, just go home, and I will see you on Sunday.  I was scheduled for induction on Sunday morning (June 30) at 5:30.

We decided to stay the night on Tuesday night in Bryan at the in-laws.  The next day we ran some errands and I told tyson,"this baby isn't coming until sunday, I don't feel any different, so lets go home to groesbeck".  And that's what we did.  We drove back home and got into town around 4 pm Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday night around 11, the dog started running laps in and out and around our end table in the living room.  We both looked at each other, and tyson asked if I was in labor.  I laughed and told him no, that I didn't feel any different than I had any other day during my pregnancy.  (my pregnancy was fabulous by the way)  Our doctor had told us that strange behavior from your pets is a sign that you could be in labor, but I felt NOTHING.  Well, at this point in my pregnancy I was sleeping in the comfy guest bed, because our temper-pedic mattress had no give for me to turn over.  Around 2 am, i started feeling uncomfortable and was having pain in my lower back that would move around to the front and feel like cramping.  I wrote down the time thinking "maybe that's a contraction".  Then i went to the bathroom about what felt like 8,000 times.  Then 20 minutes later another "back pain cramp".  I get up and go tell tyson what i think is going on.  He was very calm as was I and I told him to go back to sleep, that I was going to continue to time them.  Dr. told us contractions every 20 minutes for an hour, to get on the road and come on in.  Well 18 minutes another one hit.  I go get Tyson and he gets dressed.  We sit and wait for another one and 18 minutes later, there it was.  We load up and hit the road, its 3am.  I call my parents (3 hours away) to let them know to head to Bryan.

We get in the car and 6 minutes into our drive I have a contraction, then another 6 minutes later.  Tyson drove the car like he stole it.  We made it to bryan by 3:45.  Normally takes an hour and fifteen minutes.

By the time we reach the hospital the contractions are 5 minutes apart.  I get checked in and taken to an ER room.  The nurse asks a million questions, hooks me up to monitors, checks me (I'm at a 5) and says "You are not going home tonight".  They move me to a Labor and Delivery room and ANOTHER nurse is there and asks me the exact same questions plus some.  During this time my contractions are getting closer together.  At 5:30 the anesthesiologist arrives to give me an epidural.  FINALLY.  At this point my contractions are 2-3 minutes apart and I am in sooooo much pain.  I am contracting so hard I am unable to bend very far for him to put in the epidural.  He had to do it twice.  Mind you, i felt nothing because my contractions were coming so hard and so fast.  Once the epidural was in , 6:00 am, it took 20 minutes for some relief.  The nurse checked me, said You are at a 9!! I bet we don't make it until 7!!  I was pumped.

However, little did I know, that if they would have checked me again before the anesthesiologist arrived I would not have received an epidural because I was progressing super fast.

At 7 am, they had a shift change and yet another nurse came in.  They asked me the SAME EXACT questions again for the 3rd time. Also, during the crazy contractions back at 5 am, I had signed my life away.  St. Josephs is a teaching hospital and I consented to them being in my room.  It was like a circus.... the dr,. the rn, student nurse, student dr, my mom, tyson, and random people in and out.

That epidural brought my labor to a screeching HALT.  I did not move again, my water never broke.  At 8 am, my dr came in and checked me and said i was at a 9.5. 2 hours I had moved a whole .5 cm.  She came back at 9 and broke my water.  I then finally moved to a 10 at 10 and the nurses had me start pushing.   I pushed for over 2 hours before our precious baby arrived.

12:19 pm, 6lbs, 12 oz and 19.5 inches long and a head full of RED HAIR.  She was here and she was healthy.

Time Flies...

It has been a VERY long time since I sat down to blog... the time... where does it go?

Our sweet baby girl, Elliott Marie, is already 12 weeks old.  I cannot believe it! She is such a joy and I cannot remember what I did before she was born.  I will have to go back and blog about our birth journey before I completely forget it all!! You know, with the whole sleep deprivation thing, my memory is shot.

School is back in session.  I went and worked the first week of school and then took 6 weeks of extended medical leave to take care of our baby girl.  She has SEVERE silent acid reflux and requires a lot of hands on attention. I didn't feel comfortable leaving her with someone with her not "well".  In the meantime, it is getting better and I am absolutely loving staying at home with her.  It is going to be extremely difficult to go back to work.

Tyson's tennis season is in full swing.  He is super busy as always!!  He is also a bottle making machine!!  I think it's his true calling in life!! HAHA :)

Until I remember to blog next time...